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Jordan Harrod

Hi! I'm Jordan.

I’m a Ph.D. Candidate in Medical Engineering and Medical Physics at the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology program. My research focuses on applying neuromodulation to clinically relevant challenges, and using neurotechnology and machine learning to develop new tools for brain stimulation.

Outside of the lab, I’m a consultant, speaker, and science communicator primarly focusing on artificial intelligence and emerging technologies. You can find me on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, and more!

Want to stay in touch? Sign up for my newsletter, where you'll find discussions on algorithmic fairness, emerging technologies, and the intersections of my experiences with ADHD, mental health, and productivity.

Recent Posts

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How to Manage the AI News Firehose without Drowning*

I haven't posted a YouTube video in about a month now. Same for Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, etc. Which is weird, because a month ago, I was really excited about this new direction for my content, and had a bunch of ideas that I was itching to bring to

How to Manage the AI News Firehose without Drowning*
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Things Are Changing

🍵tl;dr - I'm taking my content in a new direction! If you'd like to support me during this pivot, sign up for Nebula here*! Did I unintentionally take a six month hiatus from this newsletter? Yes, I did. 😅 But I think it was worth it,

Things Are Changing
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Feeling (Mostly) Like Myself Again

Yesterday, I got on stage in front of 60,000+ people in the middle of Central Park. I should explain - All 60,000ish of those people were there to see the Jonas Brothers, and Metallica, and Mariah Carey, and Rosalia, and a bunch of other artists perform as part

Feeling (Mostly) Like Myself Again